Somerset Road Education Trust

Somerset Road Education Trust (SRET) was formed on 1 January 2015. It comprises Exeter House Special School, St Mark’s CE Junior School, and Wyndham Park Infants’ School. The three schools have shared a campus on Somerset Road, Salisbury, for more than 20 years.

Prior to academisation the three schools had worked closely together for many years but now as a Multi-Academy Trust we have now been able to build on this, learn from each other and have set our sites on doing something extraordinary. We believe that as a Multi-Academy Trust we can achieve more together than we would have done apart and are proud to have been the first Multi-Academy Trust in the City of Salisbury.

In becoming a Multi-Academy Trust we have set our aspirations high and believe that through seeking to provide the best possible education for all – increasing access, opportunity and possibility we can add real value to our students, families and the community changing lives for the better.

Somerset Road Education Trust

Wyndham Park Infants School

ST Marks Junior School